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 COVID-19 Policy (January 2023) 

We hope that everyone is staying healthy and positive! As we have officially entered flu season, and COVID cases are surging, we want to make sure we are all doing what we can to stay safe. As a result, we have updated our COVID Policies to ensure that we are being as safe as possible to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19. 


  1. All children, parents, & staff will receive a temperature check at both pick up and drop off. If temperature is 99°F or above, a child will not be allowed to stay at ONCC. Child may not return for 72 hours after the last elevated temperature reading.

  2. If any family member of a child that attends ONCC intends to travel, ONCC must be notified of any kind of travel. This includes planes, trains, buses, boats, and automobiles. This is for the health and welfare of all of your children and everyone’s family.

  3. Prior to returning to ONCC after travel, proof of a negative (-) COVID test must be submitted for all members of the household in order for child to be admitted back. 

  4. Lack of communication/notification of travel intentions will be considered as a violation of contract, and will result in a conference.

  5. Staff and families must wear masks at drop off and pick up.

  6. Please use hand sanitizer before signing in or out.

  7. In order to accommodate social distancing we are requiring staggered pick up and drop off, please text your eta when picking up or dropping off of your child, speak to a staff member to set up your time for drop off and pick up!

  8. Please be assured that we at ONCC are doing everything in our power to ensure staff and families health and safety are our 1st priority.

  9. Everyone one that is eligible for a covid-19 vaccination is required to get one to attend O.N.C.C. This means parent's and children.

  10. All Children over the age of 2 years will be required to wear a mask at all times, unless actively eating or drinking.

  11. If your child has any of the symptoms of  COVID-19 mentioned below (please refer to CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics websites for continued updates on associated symptoms), keep your child at home and speak to your doctor. 

    1. Cough

    2. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

    3. Fever

    4. Chills

    5. Muscle pain

    6. Sore throat

    7. New loss of taste or smell

    8. multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)

    9. Rash

    10. .Because the symptoms of Covid-19 are still unclear in children, any child symptomatic at all will not be allowed at daycare until symptom free for 72 hours, this includes all symptoms in the symptom check listed, but not limited to rash etc. I know that it is hard to tell if these are symptoms of teething, or allergies but there will be no exceptions at this time.11

    11. Any child or family member showing concerning signs such as excessive cough, fever, wheezing, shortness of breath etc., will require the child to stay home and may not return for 3 days of symptom free without the use of ANY medications. Additionally, it will be at my discretion when the child may return to daycare.

    12. If anyone in the home is symptomatic for Covid-19 or has been exposed to Covid-19 your child may not attend daycare until that person is symptom free and / or determined by a physician that he or she does not have the Covid-19.

    13. . If your child or anyone that they are in direct contact with has been exposed to Covid-19, your child will need to stay home for the 14-day quarantine time, will need a doctor's note stating that you are covid -19 free before being able to return to ONCC.

    14. If a child or anyone has been in direct contact with the child and has tested positive for Covid-19, I will have to close my daycare until the results come back. If the test is negative, I will reopen the following day. If the test is positive then Daycare will remain closed for 14 days per the CDC guidelines.

    15. If I have to close again due to this pandemic I will require ½ tuition to be paid to hold a spot for your child during closure. You always have the right to terminate care, by giving the 30 working days’ notice for termination, which cannot be during my vacations and holidays (per contract) and cannot be given in the month of December.

    16. All new staff and new families must be covid-19 tested before starting at ONCC. This means anyone that lives in the same home or is in constant contact with household members. Covid-19 tests must come back as negative for anyone one to start


Owl's Nest Child Care - Boutique In-Home Childcare, Individualized Care, Experienced Staff, Early Education
Owl's Nest Child Care LLC
License #: 197494045
Visit Us: Burbank, CA
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 Call Us: (818) 601-7878

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